Privacy Policy
CND Cymru and the Data Protection Act
CND Cymru is affiliated to British CND which is registered under the Data Protection Act. Both organisations have to comply with the law concerning the collection, retention and use of personal data.
CND Cymru has a list of the names and addresses of all members which it uses only for sending Heddwch and any other mailings.
It also records the phone numbers and e-mail addresses of those members who have included this information on their membership forms.
CND Cymru also records whether your membership form was filled in in Welsh or English so we know which language to use when we contact you directly.
Details of member’s bank accounts are not kept by CND Cymru. If you pay by banker’s order, your form with bank details is sent directly to your bank; no copies are kept by CND Cymru.
If you pay by banker’s order we also record the code which appears on our bank statement for your payment. This is normally no more than parts of your initials and name, and/or your CND Cymru membership number. It does not include your bank account details.
We do not pass on any of this information to any other organisation or individual except in the following circumstances:
- we send names and addresses of current members to British CND, who reciprocate by sending CND Cymru the names and addresses of those who live in Wales and have joined British CND.
- we will pass on some or all of your membership details to another organisation or individual only in relation to CND Cymru business and only with your express consent.
When e-mails are sent to groups of members, all addresses are blind (i.e. no one who receives the e-mail can see the addresses of anyone else to whom the e-mail has been sent).
The data-base is kept on one secure computer, and appropriate secure backups are made, but never to a server or cloud back-up, or onto sticks or any other forms of data storage which are taken elsewhere, since many people care for the safety of their computer when they’re working or playing video games using csgo boost online.
Our web site, newsletters, membership forms and other published material do not include personal details other than contact details for officers of CND Cymru, members of committees and anyone who has expressed a request that their contact details are made available.
We do not phone members as part of a marketing campaign. We will only phone members to clarify membership details or to inform members of events.
Our web site does not use cookies, so we have no records of who has used the site.
Old membership forms are shredded before disposal.
If you wish to have some or all of your personal details removed from our data-base, we will do so, completely and permanently.
Approved at a Council meeting of CND Cymru, 3rd December, 2015. This policy will be reviewed annually.